Just Action

Upcoming Events

Feb 26
3:00 PM

America’s Housing Crisis: A Dynamic Exchange of Ideas

A virtual conversation with Richard Rothstein and Jim Burling, moderated by Nolan Gray. 3pm ET / 12pm PT

Feb 27
12:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Tampa, FL — Urban Land Institute Tampa Bay’s Trends Conference

Leah Rothstein will deliver the afternoon keynote at 3pm

Mar 29
Apr 1

Denver, CO — American Planning Association’s 2025 National Planning Conference

Leah Rothstein will deliver the morning keynote on April 1st

May 27
May 29

Washington, DC — Grounded Solutions Network’s National Housing Conference

Leah Rothstein will deliver the afternoon plenary on 528

Jun 4
12:00 AM

Omaha, KS — Omaha Municipal Land Bank

More information coming soon.

Past Public Appearances

Los Angeles, CA — Rise Economy Action and Advocacy Conference

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker.

Come and Take It: The Eminent Domain Podcast

Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein on Just Action and Property Law Advocacy

Fairfield, CT — Open Communities Alliance

An Evening with Richard Rothstein

Hartford, CT — University of Connecticut Law Review Symposium

Housing in the 21st Century: Problems, Progress, and Predictions, with Richard Rothstein

Charleston, SC — South Carolina Association of Community and Economic Development 30th Anniversary Conference. 

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

Columbus, OH — Homeport Ohio’s 2024 Voice & Vision Celebration. 

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

Grand Rapids, MI — ICCF Community Homes

A Night with Just Action author, Leah Rothstein

Davenport, IA — Davenport Civil Rights Commission, Fair Housing Symposium

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

The Redress Movement’s Lessons from the Field webinar — Faith in Redress

Moderated by Leah Rothstein, the conversation examines the ways communities of faith are engaging with the legacies of discriminatory housing policy and how faith leaders are working to benefit their communities through actions that redress the harms of residential segregation.

Palo Alto, CA — St. Mark’s Episcopal Church — Community, Faith, and Racial Justice Speaker Series

A conversation with Leah Rothstein

Carson City, CA — 2024 California Land Recycling Conference: From the Ground Up

Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein, keynote speakers

Minneapolis, MN — HomeFree USA’s Reaching Millions Conference

Leah Rothstein, plenary panel.

Marin City, CA — Come to the Table Forum: Housing Justice? Not for All

A conversation with Leah Rothstein

Washington, D.C. — American University Washington College of Law

A fireside chat with Richard Rothstein

Washington, D.C. — National Alliance to Close the Wealth Gap — The Convening

Richard Rothstein, keynote speaker

San Francisco, CA — Leah Rothstein speaks to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region IX

Dallas, TX — Oikos Institute, Fishing Differently Conference

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker.

Anti-Racism Commitment Coalition’s ARCC of Change Podcast with Donzel Leggett 

A conversation with Leah Rothstein

Austin, TX — Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers — Texas Housing Conference

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

San Francisco, CA — 2024 AIASF Housing+ Symposium

Leah Rothstein, plenary panel

Battle Creek, MI — Building Equity: A Panel Discussion on Housing Justice 

with authors Sheryll Cashin and Leah Rothstein

Akron, OH — Akron-Summit County Public Library — Many Voices

with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

The City Club of Cleveland — Forum 

A conversation with Leah Rothstein and Evelyn Burnett

CET and Think TV’s Brick by Brick Podcast — We are a segregated society. How do we improve Black homeownership and build wealth?

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Cleveland, OH — Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research 

Just Action: A Conversation on Dismantling Segregation and Achieving Housing Justice, Featuring Leah Rothstein

Place Matters Podcast — a conversation with Leah Rothstein and Shawn Duncan

Cincinnati, OH — Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) Fair Housing Luncheon

Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein, special guest speakers

Durham, NC — Legal Aid of North Carolina — Fair Housing in Durham

Featuring Leah Rothstein

American Bar Association RPTE DEI book club

Just Action with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Pittsburgh, PA — Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission’s 2024 Housing Equality Conference 

Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein, keynote speakers

Scottsdale, AZ — Scottsdale REALTORs Fair Housing Symposium

Featuring Leah Rothstein

Mobile, AL — Center for Fair Housing’s Regional Justice Leadership Summit

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

Willoughby Hills Podcast with Heath Racela

Author Richard Rothstein on America’s Deliberate Segregation

On the Record Podcast — Just Action, a roadmap to desegregating our neighborhoods

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Rockford, IL — Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity’s Housing Justice Symposium

Featuring Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Jacksonville, FL — Jacksonville Human Rights Commission’s Fair Housing Expo 2024

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

Dania Beach, FL — Hope, Inc’s Fair Housing 2024

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

Washington, D.C. — National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s Just Economy Conference 2024

Leah Rothstein: Advancing race-conscious remedies in the era of a color-blind” Supreme Court panel 

Burlington, VT — Vermont Human Rights Commission & CVOEO Fair Housing Project 

Just Action: An evening with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Beyond Four Walls: Conversations on Affordable Housing — A podcast of the National Housing Conference 

A Conversation with Leah Rothstein and Richard Rothstein

St. Louis, MO — Missouri Historical Society

Just Action with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Greensboro, NC — White Voices Against Racism — Voices for Change

The Segregation of America, featuring Leah Rothstein

Washington, D.C., Busboys and Poets Books

Just Action with Leah Rothstein

A Moment with Erik Fleming Podcast 

Civil Discourse & Just Action featuring Corey Nathan and Leah Rothstein

Palm Beach, FL — Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County’s Fair Housing Month webinar

Featuring Leah Rothstein

KALW — Your Call with Rose Aguilar

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Mill Valley, CA — Mt Tam Community Land Trust 

A conversation about housing segregation and what we can do about it, with Leah Rothstein

American Trends Podcast

The Government was the Architect of Housing Segregation in America: Now What? A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Tell Us the Truth Podcast

Challenging Segregation & the Future of the Democratic Party. A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein.

Hempstead, NY — Open New York — Long Island Takes Action: From Segregation to Fair & Affordable Housing

Featuring Leah Rothstein

WYPR — On the Record 

Just Action” urges policy to end segregation, and shows readers where to start. A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein.

Appleseed Network webinar: The Road to Integration: Challenging Modern Tactics of School Segregation

With Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Columbia, SC — Richland Library — Let’s Talk Race

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

WNYC’s The Brian Lehrer Show — Dr. King’s Legacy and How to Challenge Persistent Segregation

With Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

WNYC’s 18th Annual MLK Jr Celebration at the Apollo Theater — An Inconvenient King’

Event includes an interview with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein.

KPBS Marketplace Morning Report — If reparations aren’t politically viable, what’s the next best thing?

With Richard Rothstein

WBAI Radio NY — Leonard Lopate at Large

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Connecticut — Open Communities Alliance — The Just Action Discussion Series

Featuring Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Habitat for Humanity East Bay / Silicon Valley’s Housing and Equity Roundtable 

With Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Modesto, CA, Modesto Junior College

An evening with Richard Rothstein

Technically Biased Podcast — Racial Bias in American Housing, From Founding Policies to Predatory Algorithms

A conversation with Leah Rothstein

Palo Alto, CA — A Conversation about Just Action

Featuring Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

The Integrated Schools Podcast

Taking Just Action for Integration with Richard and Leah Rothstein

Berkeley, CA, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Berkeley, CA, Berkeley Public Library — Author Talk

With Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Colorado Association of Realtors — Just Action

With Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Seattle, WA, Housing Development Consortium of Seattle-King County

An afternoon with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Federal Bar Association of the Western District of Washington presents Fireside Chat: Judge Robert Lasnik and Richard Rothstein

San Mateo, CA, Menlo Park Planning and Housing Commissions — Just Action

Featuring Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Louisville, KY, Courier Journal and Louisville Free Public Library — Lifelong Learning: Authors at the Library

Just Action with Leah Rothstein

Lexington, KY, Bluegrass Community Foundation

An evening with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Berkeley, CA, UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy, Othering & Belonging Institute, and Berkeley Population Center

An evening with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Oakland, CA, Standing Up for Racial Justice

Just Action with Leah Rothstein

Jefferson Public Radio — The Jefferson Exchange

A how-to guide on undoing persistent Black-white segregation, with Leah Rothstein.

Center for Law and Social Policy (virtual)

Just Action with Richard Rothstein

Point Reyes Books, Mainstreet Moms, and KWMR Radio — Point Reyes Station, CA

Just Action Book Discussion with Leah Rothstein

Partnership for Financial Equity Summit (virtual)

A discussion with Leah Rothstein 

University of Wisconsin and County Health Rankings and Roadmaps webinar

Undoing segregation, featuring Color of Law” author Richard Rothstein

Cinnaire Presents: An Author Discussion — Just Action with Richard Rothstein 

Booked on Planning Podcast — Book Review: Just Action

A conversation with Leah Rothstein

Brookline, MA — Abundant Housing Massachusetts

Featuring Richard Rothstein

Next City webinar

A discussion with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein

Midway, UT, Utah Housing Matters Annual Conference

Leah Rothstein, keynote speaker

Los Angeles, CA, CLUE (Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice) In Conversation

Featuring Leah Rothstein

Pasadena, CA, Greenline Housing Foundation’s Music for the Movement Gala

With special guest, Leah Rothstein

Wellfleet, MA, Wellfleet Public Library

A conversation with Richard Rothstein

Kansas City, MO, Kansas City Public Library

An evening with Leah Rothstein

Indianapolis, IN, Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana

An evening with Leah Rothstein

Tulsa, OK, Magic City Books

Just Action with Leah Rothstein

Washington, D.C., National Fair Housing Alliance’s 2023 National Conference

Featuring a fireside chat with NFHA’s Lisa Rice and Leah Rothstein

Santa Cruz, CA, Friends of the UCSC Farm & Garden

Just Action with Leah Rothstein

NALHFA’s Affordable Housing Podcast

Undoing Housing Segregation with Leah Rothstein

Think on KERA

Fixing what the Fair Housing Act didn’t. Host Krys Boyd interviews Leah Rothstein.

KCUR — Kansas City’s racial and economic divide is not impossible to fix, housing expert says.

A conversation with Leah Rothstein

Boulder, CO — Boulder Book Store

Just Action with Leah Rothstein

Cambridge, MA, Harvard Bookstore and Brattle Theater

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein, moderated by Tanisha Sullivan

Atlanta, GA, All Saints’ Episcopal Church

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein, moderated by Natosha Reid Rice

Charlotte, NC, The Redress Movement

A conversation with Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein, moderated by John Comer

Amanpour and Company

We have an apartheid society:” The lasting effects of segregated housing. Richard and Leah Rothstein are interviewed by Michel Martin. 

Enoch Pratt Free Library Central Branch — Baltimore, MD

Richard Rothstein and Leah Rothstein in conversation with Baltimore City School Board Commissioner Ashley Esposito.

To arrange a presentation by Leah and Richard, contact:

Johanna J. Ramos-Boyer
JRB Communications, LLC
Office: 703-646-5137 | Cell: 703-400-1099
jrbpr.biz | [email protected]